Monday, September 29, 2008

Love you Forever

Any parent better be familiar with this book.....its up there with the Rainbow Fish and Where the Wild Things Are. This book is now Carlie's bedtime book of choice and she will "read" the chorus with me

I'll love you forever
I'll like you for always
As long as I'm living
My baby you'll be

Its still hard for me not to get choked up at the end of the book

my grades

this entry will be updated every time I receive a new grade

this is the grading scale that we follow
94-100 A
87-93 B
80-86 C
below 80 fail

  • Foundations of Nursing
  • test 1~~~~~90
  • test 2~~~~~100
  • test #3~~~~~~87
  • test #4~~~~~~94
  • average thus far~~~~92.75

  • Therapeutic Management
  • test 1~~~~90
  • test 2~~~~95
    test #3~~~~~~92
  • average so far ~~~~~92.33

Nursing 1
test #1 97

Sunday, September 28, 2008

need to take better care of myself

my friends blog has inspired me to take better care of myself.....why put off what I can start doing now?? Seriously how hard is it to get up a few minutes earlier to put on makeup before school and clinicals and to wash my hair in the morning vs the night so that I can actually have it look nice. I need to start washing my face before bed AND in the morning......same with my excuses.....I dont allow it in my kids, why should I allow it in myself????

And Lordy, how can I complain about being overweight when I actively do NOTHING to improve my situation????? Gotta stop letting Rex talk me into fast food dinners

Im sure I will add to this later

hee hee gotta get these developed

back in the day before my digital camera, I bought the throw away cameras.....well I have like 10-15 of them laying around in desperate need of being developed!!!! Guess every pay I should develop 1 and get a CD so I can show u the crazy old pics!!!

Saturday, September 27, 2008

some more nice things about fall

candy corn


apple cider


caramel and candied apples


I am sure I will think of more wonderful things but I have to get back to my studies now!!!!

Peace, Out!!


ok so why is it my fault that Rex decided to go out last night......he is being so mean today....I ask him to help me with my studying and its a hassle for him, but he is able to answer every phone call that comes thru......what an idiot

procrastination at its best

ooooh this blog is sooooooooooooo bad for me......its such a good way to put off studying

driving me crazy

I am about to kick my kids out of the house because they are being so rowdy and rambunctious....OMG are they LOUD!!!!! Let them run off energy outside

when I losed the weight

here is what I want to do once I lose weight

I want to get my bellybutton pierced, even though Rex thinks its "young" I know a lot of people my age who have them

I also want to get a tattoo, either on my tummy or hip


fall is NOT my favorite season, that would be summer!!!!

But nontheless, a list of things I like about fall

1) sweater weather


2) falling leaves


3) pumpkin pie


4) kids going back to school


a little about my family

I will take this opportunity to tell y'all about my family.

I will start with my hubby Rex. We met 14 years ago working together at my grandpa's grocery store and have been married 12 years. He worked many years in construction and recently got into the medical field as a laser tech....he runs the laser in procedures to help with enlarged very exciting


Next is my son Nicholas. He is 11 years old and in the 6th grade. He is in his first year of middle school, quite a transition for him. He loves to play on the puter and his psp. He also is very good at baseball, and we are talking to the wrestling coaches at his school to see about him being a wrestling manager for the team (the team is made up of the 7-8th graders)


Next is Morgan, my bouncing 10 year old daughter. She is in the 4th grade and attends the intermediate school. She does not sit still, always cartwheeling from point A to point B. She also loves to practice her handstands. When I am done with school I will definatly re-enroll her in gymnastics


That brings us to Carlie, my 4 year old daughter. We like to say she cant walk or talk; she runs and yells. She has boundless energy and is always laughing and playing. She has quite the imagination and is forever cracking up the rest of the family.She is in her 2nd year of preschool and will attend Kindergarten next year


Lastly myself......I am 35 years old, work as a nurses aid at Humility House and attend Choffin for Practical Nursing. I am 1 month into the 10 mnth program. I have a wonderful life and family and couldnt ask for much else


playing hooky today

I am so exhausted today......for the past 5 weeks I have been in school every day and then working every weekend....well it has finally caught up with me and I am feeling like crapola. I feel tired, no energy level, naseauted, all the lovely stuff. So I called off work tonight, I am in no shape to work today. I have 2 major tests (well they are ALL major tests) next I need to have this day to study. I am taking a break til 1pm then its off to study for me.

Hopefully I have more energy tomorrow, I sure cant afford to take the whole weekend off.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

so flipping mad

ok so today at clinicals our instructor gives us our assignments and I was not paired up with anyone and had a pt to biggie. Well another lady was also by herself and had a pt. Well she had never worked in a facility before and was nervous. So the instructor paired us up....................BUT LEFT US WITH BOTH PTS. Not cool. All the other pairs had 1 patient to we start on her patient and were told that we needed to do mine 1st per occupational therapy needed him. So in order to get marked off on items we do we need the instructor to watch us, so basically it takes FOREVER. So being as the instructor has to see everything we do it took almost 1 hour to get him done.............meanwhile per family instructions the other patient had to be gotten up by staff....she was already done when we were ready for her......................our instructor marked us as having an incomplete assignment due to the fact she may have staffed inapproprately................OMG I could have killed her

My new obsession

OMG.....Pringles Baked Wheat Stix in honey butter are YUMMO!!!!!! I dont even know how to describe them except for delicious!!!! You have got to try them

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Holy Crappola

I tell you what, God is sure looking out for us. Back in August when I didnt know how I was gonna pay for school, Rex got his 401K check which was just the amount we needed. Today when we saw the bank account was nearing negative figures, we got another check from Rex's old job, his profit sharing I am able to take and pay almost 3 months worth of daycare expenses.....tell me how awesome that is!!!!!

On another note, I met with the lady from MCTA today, thats the agency that I am still trying to get funding for school thru.....I did my intake interview with her today. I need to write a letter to her stating how I was told to not start the process until July, which pushed me over the cut off date to get funding....I just may have a case. But if that doesnt totally work, at least trimesters 2 and 3 should get paid for.

So a good day. We went out for dinner tonight and I am completely stuffed. Off to Nick's open house here in a few

Peace, out

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I dont know why I keep buying does not work on me.....all it does for me is soften the hair slightly so it can be shaved off...........basically the same principle as shaving cream.....yet I keep buying it.............go figure


I seriously can not stand the one teacher we have.....the way my school is set up, all the LPN students stay in the same class all day and we have 2 teachers, 1 in the am, 1 in the pm.....the p, teacher sucks BIG TIME!!!! She seriously does NOT have a clue as to how to lecture. She does not allow time for us to write notes down. Its seriously getting to me. We as a whole have stopped listening to her and started basically trying to keep up with her in the textbooks and hilite as she talks......well in order to do so we need to know where we are at. When students were trying to help each other get to the right pages today she flipped out and told us to stop talking and we could hear what she had to say................ummmm what is the point since we cant follow her

On a good note, kinda, the whole class got 2 extra points on our test, which raised me to a 90, which is still a B but a higher B......but I contested a question and she didnt give me the points for that one.

Oh well, what are we do to????

We start material for Test #3 in Therapuetic Management tomorrow and have 2 tests next week, Monday is Documentation (the good teachers test!!!!) which is also in Ther Mngmnt
and Wed we have our chemistry/A and P test (bad teacher!!!) which is in Foundations of Nursing......good luck to me

Monday, September 22, 2008

the struggles of doing it all

By nature I am a perfectionist. This is not good when you are a wife, mother of 3 youngish children, and a nursing student. Something will have to give.....will the house be a constant mess, will my children not get the attention they need/want, will my studies fall to the wayside, will I have a life outside of my children, husband, home and schoolwork??? I struggle to balance it all, some days are better than others. Oh and yes I almost forgot I work also.........yes I am insane. I do not know how all of this will balance, only time will tell.