Monday, November 8, 2010

manic monday

hello world....boy do I wish that I were still in bed.....but no

Busy day and week ahead......lots to do......

For today, the usual of cooking dinner before I go to work, some cleaning and of course laundry. Then work, I dont mind the work its self but I do really wish that I was able to work a normal person dayshift job and actually be able to see my family more than just a day or so per week.....that gets REALLY old after a bit

Have been talking and thinking of going back to get my RN for a while now, but I am really seriously looking into going somewhere spring semester......I really need to get this ball rolling....I figure if I go now I can get good funding thru a pell grant and also of course student loans...I just need to decide on a school, tossing back and forth between 2 of them, both offer online courses I believe but for 1 I would need to transfer after completing the pre reqs because the actual nursing courses are at the main campus which is 2 hours away; the pro to that school is the fact that a lot of classes that I took in high school might possibly transfer to them, thus eliminating a LOT of classes (and of course, $$$$)

A LOT to think about