Friday, January 16, 2009


I get so upset at my hubby sometimes. I am in school 40 hours a week. I work 30 hours a week. I maintain the house to the best of my ability. I cook, clean, do the laundry and get the kids ready in the morning. I do the grocery shopping. I dont ask for anything in return. He works his 40 hours and comes home and watches tv.......when I sit down to watch tv with him its HIS shows. I dont complain. I ask him to work out with he has to go to his friend's house to work out with him.....fine whatever. The straw that broke the camel's back.......there is a UFC fight coming to town tomorrow night. His friend, the one he is working out with, got tickets for Christmas to go to the fight and invited Rex. Do I have a problem with that...normally no, BUT I work every Saturday for 12 hours.......he expected ME to find a babysitter for him so he could go out while I am at work.....oh yeah and did I mention WE havent been out as a couple for months.......I refused to find him a sitter, what is wrong with him picking up the phone to find someone to watch the kids. He even wanted me to take off work for him.....Um no........I feel like I am getting the short end of the stick.....he has all the time in the world for his friends and brothers but me, eh I get what is left over.......ARGH!!!!!!! I love him but he infuriates me so bad sometimes

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Nuero A& P test and overall tri 2 update

it was a doozy.....I "had" all Christmas break to study but truth be told I didnt crack open my book til last Thurs and I didnt study like I should have. Monday night Katie came over to study and thnk goodness Tues morning Dani flashed me nuero diagrams.......

so I ended up walking out of the test thinking I was lucky to pass with an 80%


I got a 94%....which is the lowest A.....YAY for me!!!!

so so far an 94% A in A&P and 90% B in Therapuetic